Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Frontend Service in Lync server 2013 - SBS/SBA does not start

IssueOne of my SBS/SBA server was down unexpectedly and dint start FE service. Rebooted server to bring the services back online but that dint help - All services were back to online but FE service stays on " STARTING" state.  When see events we see following events Lync server event.
Log Name:      Lync Server
Source:        LS User Services
Date:          6/12/2016 3:45:41 AM
Event ID:      32174
Task Category: (1006)
Level:         Warning
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      sbstest.contoso.com
Server startup is being delayed because fabric pool manager has not finished initial placement of users.

Currently waiting for routing group: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}.
Number of groups potentially not yet placed: 2.
Total number of groups: 2.
Cause: This is normal during cold-start of a Pool and during server startup.
If you continue to see this message many times, it indicates that insufficient number of Front-Ends are available in the Pool.

In Application Events I dint find any event related to WinFabric or crashing , so Expanded the " Evenviewer >> Applications and Services Logs >> Microsoft >> Windows >> Windows Fabric >> Admin"

By default logs would be in disable mode, you need to Right click and Enable log to see logs. Restart FE service and see if you can find any logs, in my scenario I found below logs.

Log Name:      Microsoft-Windows-WindowsFabric/Admin
Source:        Microsoft-Windows-WindowsFabric
Date:          6/12/2016 3:25:48 AM
Event ID:      16385
Task Category: Reliability
Level:         Warning
Keywords:      None
User:          NETWORK SERVICE
Computer:      sbstest.contoso.com
FM resolving failed with FABRIC_E_SERVICE_OFFLINE
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
     <Execution ProcessID="2120" ThreadID="7424" />
    <Security UserID="S-1-5-20" />
    <Data Name="id">9524af707cc4d78cc1e0174c6e9009</Data>
    <Data Name="type">FMLocation</Data>
    <Data Name="text">FM resolving failed with FABRIC_E_SERVICE_OFFLINE</Data>

To make sure if win fabric is active or not I selected following counter to check the status of the winfabric. ( below screenshot I have copied from the following TechNet https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/nexthop/2016/03/18/get-cspoolupgradereadinessstate-showing-not-ready-or-busy/  which was written by ANAS Bhai, Thank you Anas bhai for your support)

Found the counter " Usrv - Whether server is connected to fabric pool manager" which shows the value as zero  ( 0.00 ) which means the Fabric is not active. Healthy fabric would show the value as "1.00"  Thought of something wrong with fabric and targeted to fix it fabric first.

Executed following steps

1. I have stopped all Lync Services including Windows Fabric service in SBS Server.

2. Disabled automatic startup for all "Lync Server 2013" services using Windows PowerShell

 Get-Service –DisplayName “Lync Server*” | Set-Service –StartupType Disabled

3. Removed Fabric Component from the following location " Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features >> manually uninstall Windows Fabric " ( Before you uninstall the winfabric make a note of the winfabric version - if you have installed lesser or higher version winfabric may not function as desire and may not start services )

4. Manually deleted fabric files under below locations:

"C:\ProgramFiles\Windows Fabric folder and all subfolders"
"C:\ProgramData\Windows Fabric folder and all subfolders"

5. Rebooted the computer - ( Note: If you don't reboot the server winfabric installation will be failed when you bootstrap for reinstalling winfabric )

6. Executed Step2 from the deployment wizard which would Bootstrap to install Windows Fabric -by default bootstrapper installs RTM Version once it installed I have applied latest CU as well.

7. Ran latest April 2016 CU - LyncServerUpdateIhnstaller and updated the Fabric to Latest CU

8. Enabled automatic startup for all Lync Server 2013 services using Windows PowerShell
Get-Service –DisplayName “Lync Server*” | Set-Service –StartupType Automatic

9. Verified services - by this time services back to online healthy.

10. Verified the winfabric status in performance counters - Value set to  '1.00' - so winfabric back to healthy and my server services also back to healthy :) 

Your valuable feedback on this article is most appreciated

Regards, Rajukb
This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties and confers no rights.

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